Our Staff
Head of School
Mrs Georgina Sensecall
Office Manager
Mrs E Mackin
Miss K Allen: Chestnut - Reception
Mrs K Edge & Miss L Sanders: Cherry - Year 1
Mrs A Quinn: Cedar - Year 2
Miss C Denney: Hazel - Year 3
Mrs S Dwyer: Hawthorn - Year 4
Miss H Smith: Elder - Year 5
Mrs K Kelly and Mrs G Sensecall: Maple - Year 6
Sports Coach
Ms S Walton
Family Support Worker
Miss Z Massingham
Teaching Assistants
Mrs L Baker
Mrs S Connolly
Miss M Lawes
Mrs S Elliott
Mrs R Terry
Caretaking Staff
Mrs D Cox
Kilsby Tunnel Club
Mrs S Goodyer
Mrs J Farmer
We aim to ensure that all members of the school will have equal opportunity regardless of sex, ethnic origin, marital status, disability or age, that all are valued and included fully.