Kilsby School Association (K.S.A.) is a fundraising organisation for Kilsby Primary School. The committee is made up of parents with support from the school governors and teachers. Although the primary aim is to raise funds, we also hope to provide fun, social events for children and their parents as well as involving the local community more widely.
A Typical K.S.A. Year
Cinema nights - the children stay after school to watch a film
School calendar - sold at the Christmas Fayre
Wrapping room at the school Christmas Fayre - children can buy presents for their parents, get them wrapped, all in secret and at affordable prices!
School disco - January and July
Easter Bingo - win lots of chocolate!
May Fayre - our ‘main event’ and biggest fundraiser
Family BBQ
We are always keen to try new things and in the past we have held indulgence evenings, sold plants, held a Christmas Bingo and the children have designed pictures for ‘funmats’.
What do we do with the money?
We subsidise school trips, give money for new books, help to fund the school Christmas party and provide a leaving present for the Year 6 pupils - last year a calculator and geometry set. Previously, we were able to purchase a new cooker and new football nets. We also provided a commemorative bookmark for children to mark the royal wedding and a mug for the Jubilee.
How can you help?
The KSA is run by a committee of volunteers, and we always need new committee members to help organise and run events and to come up with new ideas. We meet once or twice a term to plan and arrange future events. The meetings are fairly informal and can be a good way to get to know other parents. We also need willing helpers for events. We are always looking for new members. If you are interested in joining the KSA please contact us by emailing: kilsbysa@gmail.com